Monday, November 19, 2012

John King2 - iRacing Career to date

My "name" in iRacing is John King2 (presumably there's another John King out there somewhere!). I joined in October 2012 and have made petty decent progress. A couple things of remember about me:

1) I'm pretty ancient so the faster (and more twitchy) cars are a bit more of a challenge to my reactions
2) I'm playing for fun so want to race and so the cars/series that require you to do a lot of set-up work on the cars are not going to be my favourites :-)

So, what's become clear to me is that I can be reasonably competitive in the Skip Barber single seater and so that's been my main focus. I'm also OK in the Star Mazda, the Riley DP sports car and some of the saloons - the VW Jetta and Mazda MX5. I also race some of the ovals, although really only for fun. I especially like the Legends car - it's awesome to drive on the decent size tracks.

As of today, I'm already at the top licence class (outside of Pro) for ovals and in Class B for road racing. At the end of week 3 for this season, I'm leading my division championship for the Skip Barber.

As a relative newcomer, I have to learn all the tracks as they change each week. Some of the tracks - like Spa - I obviously know the layout and have driven them in other games but learning to go to the max on each track takes time and practice.

In future posts, I'll give regular updates on the races I do, good or bad :-)

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